Instructions for full/short paper submissions
The Evolving Scholar Publishing process
The Evolving Scholar (ThES) is a community-driven open-access journal published by TU Delft OPEN. Only authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit to The Evolving Scholar, a full conference paper or a short conference paper. The conference organizing team will send the acceptance of the abstract and an invitation for submitting a full/short paper to the corresponding author by email.
For authors who have received the invitation for full/short paper submission, please download the document "Instructions for authors", and the correlated template for the writing of your full paper or short paper. Please be aware that the document "Instructions for authors" might be updated. Check the latest version on this webpage before submitting your paper. Submissions will be opened on 13th September 2021.
All submitted papers are in the review process, but the draft version (preprint) is open access on the Orvium platform.
These papers can be sorted by tracks, title of the paper, or names of the authors, etc.
International Forum on Urbanism
International Forum on
International Forum on Urbanismj.m.vanderhelm@tudelft.nl
International Forum on UrbanismInternational Forum on Urbanism0.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Faculty of Architecture and the Built EnvironmentFaculty of Architecture and the Built EnvironmentJulianalaan 132-134 2628BL Delft Netherlands