Call for Abstracts
** Abstract submission has been closed. **
We invite scientists and practitioners from all over the world to share their insights and results on all research that is related to cohesive sediments, ranging from:
- Small-scale flocculation to estuarine-scale transport processes;
- Harbor siltation to mangrove restoration;
- Consolidated mud to light attenuation over coral reefs;
- Near-bed low-Reynolds number simulations to basin scale morphodynamics
- Lab experiments to field campaigns;
- Geological to turbulence timescales;
- Tidal flats to the continental shelf.
However, if you believe that your work on non-cohesive material is relevant for the cohesive community, feel free to bond and submit your abstract.
Abstract submission
Please carefully check the instructions for preparation of the abstract in the abstract template before starting the abstract submission process.
You can download the template here: InterCOH2021_abstract_template.docx
To sumbit your abstract, please send it to mentioning abstract submission in the subject.
Important dates
- Abstract submission opens: 19 October 2020
- Abstract submission extended deadline: 28 February 2021
Intercoh 2021
Intercoh 2021info@intercoh2021.org
Intercoh 2021Intercoh 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
aanmelder.nlaanmelder.nlStevinweg 1 2628CN Delft Netherlands