Keynote |
Affiliation |
Ir. Diederik Samsom |
Private Secretary to Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans and responsible for the implementation of EU climate policy, the development of the Green Deal and the European climate law |
Prof. Dr. Patrick Meire |
Head of Department of Biology and Ecosystem Management Research Group, University of Antwerp, Belgium | |
Francesca Cesa Bianchi |
Project Director and Partner, Stefano Boeri Architetti includes International Projects | |
Wessel Breunesse |
Councilor for climate adaptation and spacial development of the municipality of Zaanstad, The Netherlands |
Ir. Robbert Guis |
architect, bestuurslid BNA (Bond van Nederlandse Architecten), docent TU Delft Faculteit Bouwkunde, TEK architecten | |
Inge Liekens |
environmental economist at VITO België | |
Dr. Henk Jonkers |
Associated Professor TU Delft Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Materials&Environment |
EURO 2021
EURO LOC [Iris Batterham]
EURO LOC [Iris Batterham]i.batterham@tudelft.nl
EURO 2021EURO 20210.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Art Centre DelftArt Centre DelftRotterdamseweg 205 2629 HD Delft Netherlands