31st International Meeting On Reactor Noise
9-12 September 2024
Please complete the registration form by August 1, 2024
About the event
Reactor noise analysis has always been a vibrant research field providing many new insights and applications contributing to safe nuclear power. Modern hardware and new numerical techniques for data management, feature extraction, dimensionality reduction, and machine learning give impetus to a strong revival of research and applications in this field.
For this reason, we organize a follow up of the renown International Meeting On Reactor Noise Series (IMORN) to gather in an informal setting and exchange ideas for the extraction and use of information hidden in signals from nuclear installations.
The IMORN-31 meeting will be held from 9-12 September 2024, at the Delft Technical University, in the Netherlands, and is a follow up of the IMORN-30 meeting in Göteborg, Sweden
The 9th of September is reserved for introductory and advanced lectures, and the other days for progress in research.
We cordially invite you to participate in this meeting and to present your work. To keep the meeting informal, no proceedings will be made, but we will give you the opportunity to distribute slides afterwards on the website.
Delft is a historical city with typical Dutch canals and characteristics old buildings and churches.
The meeting will be held at the TU Delft Reactor Institute in the heart of the Delft Technical University campus, a few kilometers away from the city center.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to IMORN-31.
The Organizing Committee:
Jan Leen Kloosterman
Imre Pázsit
Oszvald Glöckler
TU Delft Reactor Institute
Mekelweg 15
2629 JB Delft
The Netherlands
Theater De VesteTheater De VesteVesteplein 1 2611PK Delft Netherlands